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Our free, nationally accredited Diabetes Education workshops are now available. Get the latest information on taking care of your diabetes. Develop the healthy eating and activity plan that works for you. Get tips on taking medication and reducing your risks for short and long-term complications.

Call (859) 228-2044
for more information

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“I’m not worried about diabetes anymore.  Before I started the DPP class on April 5, 2016, I WAS worried about diabetes every time I went for my check-up.  I wondered each time, would this be the visit where I would be told I was now a diabetic?  At my last doctor’s appointment before starting the DPP class, my hemoglobin A1C was 6.4.  At the bottom of the lab result it said that a result of 6.5 was diagnostic of diabetes.  I also weighed more at that visit than I had ever weighed in my life.  I left the office that day almost in tears and knew I had to do something or I would have diabetes like my mother, brother, and many of my aunts and uncles.   The DPP class has taught me how I can eat healthier and have a healthier lifestyle.  In the class we work together, we support each other, and we laugh together.   I love that the class helped us set a realistic goal for weight loss and stressed the importance of exercise.  I did meet the weight loss goal set by the class and am now working on my next personal goal for weight loss.  Before starting the class, I rarely got exercise.  Now my husband and I walk in the evenings as many days as the weather allows.  Since starting the class, probably the day that stood out most to me was when my sons, who live two or more hours away, came home for the weekend.  Both asked me how much weight I had lost as soon as they walked through the door and saw me.  When my boys noticed, it made me realize that this was really working for me and making a difference in my life.  It was also a good day when I had a hemoglobin A1C of 5.8 several weeks after starting the class.  I’m looking forward to my next check-up now because I know my A1C will be even lower.   I would encourage anyone who has risks for diabetes or who maybe wants to have a healthier lifestyle to take the DPP class." - letter from a Diabetes Prevention Program participant

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