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Breastfeeding Support

To protect, promote and improve the health of our community

Breastfeeding provides numerous well-documented health benefits to infants and mothers. These benefits are greatest when human milk is the baby's primary food for at least the first 6 months of life.

Advantages for baby:

Advantages for mom:

Services available:

The Breastfeeding support team is here to be of assistance to any mother who needs our assistance.

We can provide :

Common Concerns

We have experienced staff who have breastfed their children and educated themselves on Breastfeeding - the Art !

Positions for breastfeeding

Cradle hold - most widely used position. Baby is cradled with her head in the crook of your arm. Baby should be tummy-to-tummy with you.

Football hold - baby is tucked under mom's arm on the side on which the child is feeding. A pillow is placed underneath the infant for support, and mom supports the infant's head with the arm on the side the infant is feeding.

Side-lying - Mom is resting on the side that the baby is feeding on. Mom may use a pillow or her arm to prop her head to prevent rolling on infant. A pillow can be used to prop the baby's back for support.

Whatever position is comfortable should be OK. Bring the baby to the breast. Don't take the breast to the baby. You shouldn't have a backache when you're done. Breastfeeding should be comfortable and pleasant. Positioning is very important. If it hurts, something isn't right!

Additional Resources

Lactation Improvement Network of Kentucky
Includes information concerning Kentucky's public breastfeeding law.

Le Leche Legue International

Newman Breastfeeding Institute and Clinic

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After Hours, for Public Health and Environmental Emergencies Only, call 859-623-7312, option 8