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2021 Community Health Improvement Plan & Progress Notes

To protect, promote and improve the health of our community

The Madison County Health Department Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) was a joint project conducted by the Madison County Health Department and public health program students and faculty from Eastern Kentucky University. This is an excellent and ongoing partnership that allows us to identify and share information on our community's most pressing public health issues.

The purpose of the Community Health Assessment was to learn about the health status of the population, to identify assets, resources, and areas for improvement, and to determine factors that contribute to health issues. The results of the Assessment were then used to formulate the Community Health Improvement Plan.

Click here to view or download the full CHA/CHIP.

The CHIP is a 5-year plan involving work from multiple community partners. As that work progresses, the chart below will be updated to show results and current status.

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