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Smoking Cessation Programs

To protect, promote and improve the health of our community

smoking piggy bankFreedom From Smoking® Online

Don't have time or our classes don't fit into your schedule? Freedom From Smoking® Online, or FFS Online, is a program specifically designed for adults, like you, who want to quit smoking. It’s an adaptation of the American Lung Association’s gold standard, group clinic that has helped thousands of smokers to quit for good.

FFS Online takes you through modules, each containing several lessons that you access through this protected website. These lessons include valuable information and most of them contain an assignment that you are to complete before moving on. The assignments reinforce the messages in each lesson and your commitment to quit.

FFS Online does not begin with quitting. The program takes you through several lessons first, ensuring that solid information about preparing to quit is given before Quit Day. Go ahead and progress through the lessons and modules until you complete the entire program. The beauty of FFS Online is that it can be accessed day or night, seven days a week, on any schedule you choose.

When you stop smoking.... The rewards are great!

Timer Twenty Minutes After Quitting
  • Blood pressure drops to normal
  • Pulse rate drops to normal
  • Temperature of hands and feet increase to normal
Alarm Clock 24 Hours After Quitting
  • Nerve endings start growing
  • Ability to smell and taste is enhanced
  • Chance of heart attack decreases
Calendar One Year After Quitting
  • Risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker
Five Years After Quitting
  • Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5-15 years after quitting
  • Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, and esophagus is half that of a smoker.
Ten Years After Quitting
  • Risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a person who continues to smoke
Fifteen Years After Quitting
  • Risk of coronary heart disease is that of non-smoker

Quit Now Kentucky


Quit Now Kentucky

Have you tried to quit before?
Want to try again?

REMIND yourself why you became a nonsmoker. Think again about your reasons for becoming a nonsmoker.

REHEARSE what to do to handle the urge to smoke when challenging situations occur.

REWARD yourself each time you beat the urge to smoke. Find small ways to congratulate yourself for your determination and effort.


smart phone applications to help you quit smoking. information at


Need Help Quitting?
Quit Now Kentucky


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